Tag Archives: yogurt

Can Yogurt Help Reduce The Risk Of High Blood Pressure?

yogurtResearch has shown that women who eat five or more portions of yogurt a week are less likely to develop high blood pressure (hypertension) than those who ate yogurt once a month.

Data taken from 100,000’s of men and women have found that the risk of high blood pressure was lowered by a fifth.

The effect was more visible in women as women tend to eat more yogurt than men.

Thoese who ate yogurt 5 times a week saw the benefit more than people who ate lots of fruit, vegetables, beans and nuts.

Another way to treat high blood pressure is medication such as beta-blockers and diuretics. But like every medication they come with side effects. One of the side effects is erectile dysfunction.

If you have any concerns that you have high blood pressure, please see your GP.

If you think you suffer from erectile dysfunction, please go to, www.ukmeds4u.com for your free e-consultation.

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