Tag Archives: STI

Porn Can Encourage Men To Have Safe Sex

Porn can play an important role in promoting safe anal sex, according to research.safe sex

Men are more likely to use condoms if they see the contraception being used in sexually explicit pornography, experts reveal.

Researchers carried out a survery including 265 men who have had sex with men and have watched explicit pornography in the last three months.

The men were atleast 18 years old and lived within 50 miles of New York City, Baltimore, Philadelphia and Washington D.C.

Majority of the men (92%) had watched sexually explicit media containing unsafe anal sex and nearly half of them said that this lead to them having riskier sex.

The findings suggest that porn can encourage men to engage in unsafe anal sex.

Dr Eric Schrimshaw, an associate professor of Sociomedical Sciences at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health, said:  ‘Actually one type of pornography was associated with higher rates of condom use – men who viewed more pornography containing condom use engaged in fewer condomless anal sex encounters.

Even those who took part in compulsive pornography viewing were not more likely to engage in condomless anal sex.

In contrast, men who watched pornography where there were unprotected anal sex encounters were less likely to use condoms themselves.’

Condoms can help to protect against sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV.

Condoms are the only contraception to protect againist STIs and pregnancy.

To read more CLICK HERE.

For more information on sexual health, go to www.ukmeds4u.com

First Male Contraceptive Injection

There are currently 15 different methods of contraception in the UK, and out of the 15 methods only 2 are available for men – condoms and vasectomy.contraception

But, a new contraceptive injection for men called Vasalgel could be available soon.

Vasalgel is non-hormonal and has shown to blocks sperm for up to 12 months.

Vasalgel hasn’t been approved by the FDA yet and clinical trails are set to start in 2016.

In the UK, contraception is free for most people and is available from most GP surgeries and sexual health clinics.

It has been reported that there is 85 million unplanned pregnancies annually worldwide.

To read more, please CLICK HERE

For information on sexual health, please go to www.ukmeds4u.com

STIQ day – 14th January 2015

STIQ Day – 14th January 2015

What’s it all about?

STIQ day is all about YOU, or more importantly, your sexual health!

It’s been launched to get you to think more about your sexual health and getting yourself tested to make sure that you are not infected.

After all…without a test, can you be 100% certain that you don’t have one?

The infection number in the UK is rising all the time, regardless of age, sexual orientation or number of sexual partners. It only takes one unprotected encounter for you to get an infection, and some of them can be fatal if left untreated!

What could you catch?

Well, there are many different infections that you could catch, and many of them are easily treated and clear up in no time at all, but there are also some which can be particularly painful and in some cases life threatening if left untreated!

Get the full information here www.stiq.co.uk 





Aim-Straight! Could this little cone really detect cancer?

Two UK  inventors think so, and have been very busy developing a new device specially for men.

The Aim-Straight is being marketed  as the little device that could save millions of lives… so we thought it would be good to look and see what all the fuss is about!

The Aim-Straight device seems to do everything!

In addition to potentially detecting prostate cancer and diabetes, Aim-Straight inventors Michael Shelton and Peter Maxwell also believe that the device helps to reduce the risk of sexually transmitted infections (STI’s) and reduce the amount of cases of drink driving.

What is it?

The Aim-Straight device is a disposable paper cone that pops over the penis, and not only helps you pee straight (which in itself will save millions of arguments), it can also detect prostate cancer and diabetes. And it’s biodegradable and flushable after use.

It seems that this little cone does has everything!

How it Works

There are a number of tiny particles known as reagents contained on the surface of the cone. These react when they come into contact with other agents that could be present in your urine stream such as blood or glucose. These would would then cause the paper on the inside of the device to change colour.

If the device does change colour during use, the wearer should contact their GP or local healthcare professional for further advice. The colour it changes to helps the healthcare professional decide how to proceed.

So – Would you wear it?

Studies done in Japan found that 71% of the men studied agreed that the Aim-Straight device was a good invention and that they would be happy to use it! And if it does everything mentioned we can see why….Hey, no-one needs to know do they? And what price for peace of mind?

So it seems it does have everything!

The company also say that the device has hypo-allergenic antibodies incorporated into it, which can clean, dry and medicate the penis, which helps to promote good sexual health for men of all ages due to decreased chances of STI’s being transmitted.

The initial purpose of the device was to reduce any unhygienic splash back of urine as men were going to the toilet, but has grown to be so much more since the device was first created back in 2007.

The company has taken huge steps in trying to promote the device as a combatant to STI’s and as an assistant for GP’s and other healthcare professionals in the early discovery of prostate cancer and diabetes.

All in all this device will be a great help to many men that have problems when urinating, and could also be the difference between life or death if you have an underlying condition that may not have been diagnosed as yet by your GP.

If you need any more information, you can visit their website at www.aim-straight.co.uk

Don’t forget that if you have any problems or have any questions that you want to ask, our community are always here to help, and will be happy to assist you and offer advice to anything that you might otherwise feel uncomfortable discussing face to face with your GP.

So… Would you wear it? Comment below!