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Five-A-Day Keeps The Doctor Away

Eating your five-a-day can help prevent heart attack or stroke, experts have revealed. five-a-day fruit

For seven years, scientists at the University of Oxford studied half a million people from across 10 urban and rural localities in China by tracking their health through electronic hospital records and death records.

The 500,000 participants did not have a history of taking medication to lower high blood pressure (hypertension) or cardiovascular disease when they joined the study.

Study author, Dr Huaidong Du, said: ‘The association between fruit consumption and cardiovascular risk seems to be stronger in China, where many still eat little fruit, than in high-income countries where daily consumption of fruit is more common.’

The results revealed that 100g of fruit each day lowered the risk of premature death from stroke or heart attack by a third, for both men and women.

They found that fruits, such as apples and oranges, were strongly linked with other factors such as lower blood glucose, education, lower blood pressure and not smoking.

The senior author, Professor Zhengming Chen, from Oxford University, said: ‘It’s difficult to know whether the lower risk in people who eat more fresh fruit is because of a real protective effect.

If it is, then widespread consumption of fresh fruit in China could prevent about half a million cardiovascular deaths a year, including 200,000 before age 70, and even larger numbers of non-fatal strokes and heart attacks.’

Fruit and vegetables are one of the 5 food groups which contribute towards a healthy balanced diet.

However fruit and vegetables aren’t on the top of everyone’s shopping list as they are more expensive compared to processed ready meals.

According to a study by the Overseas Development Institute this has caused a huge rise in obesity and type 2 diabetes.

Obesity can cause many health problems such as high blood pressure, stroke and coronary heart disease.

To read more CLICK HERE

If you are overweight (BMI 28 and over) and tried dieting and excerise but still haven’t had success – please go to for a free consultation for other weightloss options.

Good News For Those Who Suffer From The Side Effects Of Statins

Repatha could be the new medication to help lower cholesterol since statins were invented in the 1980s.repatha

The drug will be the first alternative treatment to be available on the NHS for people who react badly to the side effects of statins.

Researchers have revealed that between 5% and 20% of people have to stop taking statins due to muscle pain.

A trail was carried out on 491 patients who have reported of suffering from muscle pain while taking statins.

To test whether statins were really having a side effect, half of the participants were given statins again and the other half were given a placebo pill, a tablet that does not contain an active drug ingredient.

The results showed that 40% of those given the statins developed ‘intolerable’ muscle pain.

218 people participated in a second trail, where they was given Repatha or the older drug, ezetimibe.

Only 13% of people who were given Repatha reported muscle pain and just one patient stopped taking the medicine due to the muscle pain being unbearable.

There are other prescription medicines available  to treat high cholesterol but like statins, and every other medicine, they come with side effects such as erectile dysfunction.

To read more CLICK HERE

For more information about high cholesterol CLICK HERE

If you have any concerns regarding statins or high cholesterol, please see your GP.

If you think you have erectile dysfunction, please go to for your free e-consultation.

One Fifth Of Global Population Will Be Obese By 2025.

obesity obeseExperts have warned that a fifth of the world population will be obese by 2025.

Research has shown that from 1975 to 2014 the number of men and women classified as obese has risen from 105 million to 641 million.

Scientists have predicted that 18% of men and 21% of women globally will be obese by 2025.

The Lancet medical journal have published that the average BMI (Body Mass Index) has increased from 21.7 to 24.2 since the 1970s.

According to an analysis of global trends in BMI, the world has more overweight people than underweight people.

English-speaking countries including the UK, USA, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand and Canada had the biggest rise in BMI.

Professor Majid Ezzati, lead author from the School of Public Health at Imperial College London, has blamed the UK supermarkets that promote cheap ‘highly processed’ ready meals and snacks.

‘If you walk into a store in the UK, you cant help but notice that fruit is more expensive than processed foods.

‘Just imagine somebody who is having to work in three jobs, possibly minimum wage, that is going to affect their choices.

‘In France and Switzerland the idea of eating fresh fruits and wholefoods is much more common, some of that has its roots in culture.’

To read more CLICK HERE

If you are overweight (BMI 28 and over) and tried dieting and excerise but still haven’t had success – please go to for a free consultation for other weightloss options.

World Health Day 2016 – Beat Diabetes

World Health Day is on 7th April 2016 and is organised by WHO (World Health Organization).world health day

This year’s focus is to raise awareness about the rise in diabetes and the consequences the noncommunicable disease has.

Diabetes is a condition when a person’s blood sugar levels become too high.

The lifelong condition is incurable but can be treated and controlled.

It is estimated that 1 in 11 people have the disease and is more common in men than women.

From 1980 to 2014, the number of adults worldwide with diabetes had quadrupled from 108 million to 422 million.

Experts believe the huge rise is due to growing obesity rates.

It is estimated that 5 million people will have diabetes in the UK by 2025.

There are a number of medical conditions associated with diabetes such as heart disease, kidney disease and erectile dysfunction.

Dr Etienne Krug, of WHO, to the BBC:  ‘Diabetes is a silent disease, but it is on an unrelenting march that we need to stop.

‘We can stop it, we know what needs to be done, but we cannot let it evolve like it does because it has a huge impact on people’s health, on families and on society.’

To read more about World Health Day CLICK HERE

For information about erectile dysfunction, please go to

If you are overweight (BMI 28 and over) and tried dieting and excerise but still haven’t had success – please go to for a free consultation for other weightloss options.

Psoriasis Could Increase The Risk Of Erectile Dysfunction

According to NHS Choices, psoriasis is a skin condition that affects around 2% of people in the UK.psoriasis

Psoriasis causes raised, flaky, red patches on the skin.

The patches can appear anywhere on your body, but are typically on the elbow, scalp, knees and lower back.

Scientist have now revealed that men with psoriasis have a higher chance of suffering from erectile dysfunction.

Erectile dysfunction is a condition where the penis does not harden and expand when a man is sexually excited.

Experts studied the sexual function in 191 men with psoriasis and 191 men who do not have the skin condition.

The results showed that 53% of men with psoriasis suffered from erectile dysfunction, compared to only 40% of those without psoriasis.

It is known that men with psoriasis are often obese or have other cardiovascular risk factors that may restrict blood flow in the body including the penis – which causes erectile dysfunction.

To read more CLICK HERE

For more information on Psoriasis CLICK HERE

If you suffer from erectile dysfunction, please go to for your free e-consultation.

The Secret To Living To 100

In a costal hamlet in Italy there are 300 men and women who are 100 years old or over and the secret could be Rosemary. rosemary

The herb isn’t only the key to living longer but it has also helped the pensioners to be free of Alzheimers and heart disease.

Researcher’s from the University of California San Diego School of Medicine and University of Rome are the first to be given permisson to study the 300 centenarians.

San Diego Doctor Professor Alan Maisel said: ‘The goal of this long-term study is to find out why this group of 300 is living so long by conducting a full genetic analysis and examining lifestyle behaviours, like diet and exercise.’

According to the researchers rosemary is frequently used in their cooking.

Other factors that may have influenced their long life could be regular walks and a healthy Mediterranean diet.

To read more CLICK HERE

First Male Contraceptive Injection

There are currently 15 different methods of contraception in the UK, and out of the 15 methods only 2 are available for men – condoms and vasectomy.contraception

But, a new contraceptive injection for men called Vasalgel could be available soon.

Vasalgel is non-hormonal and has shown to blocks sperm for up to 12 months.

Vasalgel hasn’t been approved by the FDA yet and clinical trails are set to start in 2016.

In the UK, contraception is free for most people and is available from most GP surgeries and sexual health clinics.

It has been reported that there is 85 million unplanned pregnancies annually worldwide.

To read more, please CLICK HERE

For information on sexual health, please go to

Would These Images Stop You From Having That Extra Piece Of Cake?

Diabetes Association of Thailand have created a campaign, Sweet Kills, which aims to warn the public of the effects of eating too much sugar can have on your body.sweet kills sweet kills sweet kills

Nattakong Jaengsem, a Thai designer based in Bangkok, has created these powerful images using some of our favourite treats to remind us that too much sugar can lead to type 2 diabetes, which can cause wounds to heal slower and cause infection.

According to the NHS, there are 3.9 million people living with diabetes in the UK.

There are a number of medical conditions associated with diabetes such as thyroid disease, coeliac disease and erectile dysfunction.

Too see more information, CLICK HERE

For information about erectile dysfunction, please go to:

How Sugar Can Affect Your Body

Ever wondered what’s happening to your body when you eat food with a lot of sugar? Now you can find out…


From triggering thrush to weakening the immune system, this useful tool reveals exactly how sugar can harm your health.

While the current recommended daily sugar intake for adults in the UK is 30 grams per day, many people are consuming almost double this amount: The current average daily UK adult intake of sugar is 58.8 grams.

A new online tool by Benenden, a healthcare and insurance provider, highlights some of the health problems or medical conditions that excessive sugar intake can cause, or contribute to, either directly or indirectly, as follows…

Yeast infections, such as thrush

– Erectile dysfunction
– Lethargy and lack of sex drive

– Heart disease
– Porous bones and osteoporosis
– Weakened immune system

– Obesity
– Diabetes and hyperglycemia
– Increased risk of cancer
– Tooth decay, abscesses, and oral diseases
– Kidney damage (leading to kidney failure)
– Non-alcoholic fatty liver (leading to liver failure)
– Hardening of the arteries
– Atherosclerosis (thickening of the artery walls)
– High blood pressure
– High cholesterol
– Increased risk of stroke
– Increased risk of heart disease
– Increased risk of heart attack
– Digestive issues (gas, cramps, bloating, irritable bowel syndrome)
– Exacerbates depression and anxiety
– Contributes to mood disorders
– Weakens immune system
– Could contribute towards dementia
– Might accelerate skin ageing & acne

To see more information, CLICK HERE

Is Erectile Dysfunction Caused By A Man’s Relationship With His Mother?

Research has suggested that erectile dysfunction could be caused by the relationship a man has with his mother. erectile dysfunction

The study, which was published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, showed that a strained relationship with your mother as a child can cause sexual problems as an adult.

Charles University in Prague conducted a survery which found that men who didnt say ‘L’ word (love) until later in life had issues in the bedroom.

960 men, aged between 15 and 88, participated in the study and were asked about their sexual habits, their relationship with their mother and the age they fell in love.

The study concluded that: ‘The association of poorer current sexual function with (historical) older age at first being in love might suggest some enduring conflict regarding sexuality and/or intimacy.’ 

Which means that men who have more difficulties with sexual functions later in life had also tended to fall in love later on.

Regarding the relationship between men and their mothers, the study found: ‘One explanation for this finding is that psychogenic factors (when a physical illness stems from an emotional stress) may play a more important role.’

This means that if a man has emotional issues as a young man they may stem into physical issues in his later life.

If you suffer from erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation, please go to for your free e-consultation.

To read the full article, please click here.